Club Facilities

St George & Sutherland Shire Anglers Club has far superior facilities for its members than most fishing clubs in the Sydney area.

One of our main attractions is our private boat ramp. Next to the ramp is a modern design pontoon for easy loading and unloading of passengers and fishing gear. The pontoon was installed in December 2010.

  • The ramp is available for the use of members only and provides safe, easy access to Botany Bay.

  • For boats returning to the club at night, we have two lead lights to guide skippers into our channel.

  • We have a large car and trailer parking area which is secured behind a locked boom gate

  • Adjacent to our boat ramp is a large, fully covered fish cleaning facility that has running water and proper drainage.

  • All members can access all the club's facilities, including a modern amenities block with a hot shower.